Hello from RTR Pediatrics! Where can I find someone to do camp and school physicals in Danbury, CT? It’s that time of year for those camp and school physicals for sure. Have you called us to see if we can help you? It is very easy to use our services. We participate in the most common/popular insurance plans, including HUSKY A and HUSKY B. We are always accepting new patients. If you are doctor shopping, consider us for a test drive. We would love to have you stay with us after a test drive, but that’s up to you.
With the nicer weather here, be sure to be careful when outdoors. This includes looking both ways when crossing the streets (look for cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, runners, and walkers), the use of sunscreens, keeping up your food and fluids, using ultraviolet protection sunglasses, hats, and visors. Keep yourself protected with long sleeves and pants, especially if trekking through the woods or fields where things like poison ivy, mosquitoes and ticks like to hang out. Yes, there is a lot to think about!
Give us a call and let us assist you with your child’s needs. We look forward to seeing you!